Blog — Feminism
Top 10 Self-Empowerment & Self-Love Temporary Tattoos

For many, the most effective motivation comes from within. This is what self-empowerment and self-love are all about – believing in our own abilities and worthiness and taking care of ourselves physically and emotionally. Unfortunately, we are our own worst critics, so the practice of self-love does not always come easy. If you've made a commitment to trust your instincts, care for yourself first, follow your dreams, and take charge of your destiny, then you're off to a good start! You may hit some roadblocks along the way. There might be times when you doubt your ability to persevere. When...
Empowering Temporary Tattoos for Women

In many ancient cultures, women were highly respected and played central roles in their communities. Stories abound of powerful female rulers, mystics, and goddesses. Yet, as we emerged from ancient times, there was a dramatic reversal in how women were perceived, particularly in the Western world. Only relatively recently, women were given the right to vote, own property, and manage their finances. Until this point, women were the property of their fathers or husbands and considered mentally inferior to men. Oh, how the times have changed. In just the last 150 years, the role of women in society has changed...